Friday 21 October 2011

Friends : D

Weet weet aku kenal kan yang pkai tudung hitam tu, nama dia Siti Zulaikha and yang pkai tudung sekolah tu nama dia Nur Ainin Sofiya <3 Diaorang member aku since sekolah rendah lagi. ILOVEYOU KORANG, muahxxmuahxx pipi kiri kanan HAHA

Stand Up :)

Everytime I’m by myself
I’m staring out the window
I’m looking at the weather change
Seeing how the wind blows
I’m tired of giving everything
I’ve only got the air I breathe
I need sometime to myself
To lift me off the ground

Sometimes we learn
After we fall
But it’s okay

If you stand up now
Your dreams will be heard
Gotta look inside your heart
If you believe you’ll make
It through after all
Though at times they may break
You don’t ever forget who you are
Because a woman’s strength is in love

When I look into your eyes
I know the pain you’re feeling
But it doesn’t take away
The beauty of your smile

Sometimes we learn
After we fall
But it’s okay

If you stand up now
Your dreams will be heard
Gotta look inside your heart
If you believe you’ll make
It through after all
Though at times they may break
You don’t ever forget who you are
Because a woman’s strength is in love

Time after time
They will hurt you
(don’t you ever give in)
There’s a reason you’ve made it this far
(don’t you ever give up)
Though the road maybe long just hold on
To the faith in your heart
In your heart

If you stand up now
Your dreams will be heard
Gotta look inside your heart
If you believe you’ll make
It through after all
Though at times they may break
You don’t ever forget who you are
If you stand up now
Your dreams will be heard
Gotta look inside your heart
If you believe you’ll make
It through after all
Though at times they may break
You don’t ever forget who you are
Because a woman’s strength
Is in love
Is in love

Saturday 15 October 2011

Final exam!

Huh, dah dekat final exam ni. Semua orang sibuk dengan buku. STUDY STUDY AND STUDY, takde apa nak tulis pun pasal tajuk ni just nak ucap GOODLUCK pada semua yang ambik exam. Terutama goodluck untuk rakan rakan kelas aku (2 Arif) :) <3 and for me Goodluck Amy :) do the best hehe

Blah laa perempuan !

Dah ludah Tapi Jilat Balik puihh- bengong lah kau ni perempuan. Hari tu beria ria cakap dekat kawan aku yang 'BUANG SEMUA GAMBAR AKU YANG ADA DENGAN KORG' kau fikir kitaorg ni apa? Suka hati kau je nak ckp macam tu, then baru baru ni kawan aku bgitau aku yang kau text dia. Apatuhhh? Hari tu kau cakap macam yang kau ni dah tak nak ada kene mengena dengan kitaorg lagi, tapi text jugaa. Text sebab nak tnyer pasal budak tuu. Kenapa tnyer pasal budak tuu? Ada hati dekat kwn aku tu? Blah lahh perempuan. Aku ingat lagi, hari tu kita terserempak tapi kau tak senyum pun dkt aku buat mcm tak nampak je. Kenapa buat mcm tu? Kau malu ke time sch rendah dulu kenal dan berkawan dengan aku? Kau malu sebab dapat kawan yang jahat, perangai teruk, tak pakai tudung? Lain lah mcm kau, kau kann baik, pakai tudung. Semua yang baik baik ada dekat kau laa, yang jahat semua dekat aku kann? Hmm aku dah menyampah dengan kau tahu! Dan paling penting AKU DAH BENCI KAUU dan aku takpernah lupa dan aku takkn lupa apa yang kau cakap kann tu.